Being smart to make the right decision in selecting School ERP Software in India

Logan Zander
3 min readOct 14, 2021


School ERP

The question about selecting an ERP School Software is a tricky one for educational institutions to answer as the ed-tech space has become crowded with multiple vendors who use multiple marketing campaigns to position the product as a superior offering as compared to others. This complicates the decision-making process for school management, as the fundamental products offered by these multiple vendors are the same.

While schools go through the decision-making process for a new ERP For School Management, they have to keep the following points in mind:

  • Strong Basics: The first task will be to ensure that all the basic modules of the ERP are as well throughout in terms of the process and are simple to use. These modules include Admission, Fee, TC, Attendance, etc.
  • Scalability: Buying an ERP Solutions For Schools is a long-term decision and to ensure maximum utilization of the software, schools have to ensure that it is scalable, thus enabling the software to cope with an increasing number of users each academic session.
  • Security and Privacy: Check whether the vendor uses all the recommended security protocols as well as the vendor’s policy of privacy and user data. Since the majority of school management may not be so tech-savvy, it would be a good idea to have a consultant on board before making any decisions.
  • Customizability: The ability to request the vendor for a new feature or to work on any customization requirements, enables the schools to customize the software in a manner that suits their individual requirements. Entrar, is a school ERP software that is known to offer modules that schools can customize.
  • Reliability: For efficiency, school ERP software has to be reliable, hence schools have to insist on speaking to existing clients of the vendor in order to know their experience. Another option will be to look at online customer reviews of the vendor which will give a true picture of the reliability of the product.
  • Support: The majority of the users of school ERP software are not tech-savvy and will need hand-holding throughout. This makes customer support a key component for consideration by the school. Vendors should be able to provide 24/7 support either through phone or email.
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Apart from the above points, the schools must also ensure that they see a live demo of the product as this will be an opportunity to see how the software operates in real-time, clear any queries as well as experience the user interface, firsthand.



Logan Zander

I am working as a Digital Marketing Specialist at Entrar, we empower you to manage and process the school management system efficiently.