Consider these factors while choosing a Best School ERP Software company

Logan Zander
3 min readNov 10, 2021


School ERP Software

School Management ERP Software is a software solution that is used by educational institutions that helps them to seamlessly manage and oversee their various administrative operations, through a comprehensive single solution. In other words, it is software that brings together admission, fee, transport, attendance, and result publishing, under one roof, thus making it easy to keep track and manage various operations.

In a world where there are countless companies claiming to offer the Best ERP Software for Schools, it becomes imperative for schools to conduct their due diligence and consider the enlisted points below before making a commitment to accept the services rendered from the service provider.

  • Understand the Offering: It is important to clearly understand what is being offered by the company. Is the company only offering a standard ERP solution or are they offering additional services that complement the ERP Software for Educational Institutes India or is the ERP solution customizable or what integrations are available with the solution or does the solution fit the requirement of the school?
  • Lookup Online Reviews: Online reviews are available for almost every product available in the market and these can be a great source of information that comes from public sources hence, you know that the reviews shown here are mostly genuine. These reviews can be found online through Google or if an app is available, the reviews can be found on the App Store or the PlayStore.
  • Request a Live Demo: If the reviews are satisfactory, schools can request the vendor to provide a live demonstration of the product and its features. During the live demonstration, the school management should ensure that the software is capable of fulfilling their requirements, that the user interface is simple and easy to use, and that navigation through the software does not require too many steps. The school can also request to have access to a demo account just to try it out for themselves before making a commercial commitment.
  • Contact Existing Clients: Post the live demo, make it a point to ask the vendor for contacts of their existing clients with whom you would like to speak to regarding their user experiences as well as the challenges they have faced and the support they have received from the vendor.
  • Software Customization: Before making a commitment, the school should verify whether the vendor offers the option to customize the software since this would enable the school to truly make the look and feel of the software their own and customize various areas of the software or request for new features based on their unique requirements.
  • Customer Support Guarantee: It must be noted that the end-users of school ERP software are not techies as they will not have in-depth knowledge when it comes to figuring out how servers communicate, user rights access, etc. The school should check what support options are available from the vendor. Questions such as does the vendor provide support over phone and email or does the vendor provide on-site training prior to launch or is support available 24/5 or 24/7. This is a crucial step since without dedicated support available, implementation of new software will not be successful as users need initial hand-holding before they can begin to use the software on a regular basis.
  • Additional points every school ERP should have are like School Bus Tracker, E-Learning App, Live Classes Online, Online Assessment Software, School Campus Security, and so on…

In conclusion, it is imperative that school management and decision-makers pay heed to the above-mentioned points before implementing a school ERP software as unsuccessful implementations can work out to be expensive.



Logan Zander

I am working as a Digital Marketing Specialist at Entrar, we empower you to manage and process the school management system efficiently.