The major reasons why School Management Software is important.

Logan Zander
2 min readOct 29, 2021


School Management ERP Software

School Management ERP software enables schools to manage various administrative tasks such as inquiries, admissions, fees, transport, and more through a unified software solution, which enables educational institutions to effectively manage operational activities and run smoothly.

There are numerous school management solutions available on the market, out of which Entrar is one that offers an end-to-end, seamlessly integrated solution that encompasses the needs of the management, teachers, students, and parents. Alternatively, Edunext, Next Education, Fedena, and Skolaro are also available.

Why is school management software important?

Apart from acting as the oil that ensures smooth functioning of an educational institution, school ERP software also provides the following benefits:

  • Seamless Admission Process: Online Admission application forms, records of admission inquiries, entrance tests, and interview schedules are possible through the school management software. This enables parents to have a seamless experience during admission to their ward.
  • Online Fee Payments: School management software enables schools to raise invoices digitally, accept online fee payments from parents and auto-generate the respective receipts. In-depth reports regarding due fees, collected fees, late fees along custom reports can be auto-generated.
  • Attendance Management: Tracking and recording attendance of students and teachers become easy with school management software which can record attendance through either biometric or manual entry. Regular attendance reports can also be auto-generated as per the school's requirements.
  • Conduct Online Classes: Schools are able to conduct online classes in Online Live Classes App and will be able to use features such as breakout rooms, virtual backgrounds, public chat, screen sharing, file sharing, and other collaborative tools to ensure an engaging, intuitive, and interactive learning environment for the students.
  • Conduct Online Exams: Schools can conduct online exams through their School Assessment Software and can choose to use various proctoring features such as face detection, screen capture, exam lockout, and more as per the requirements.
  • Transport Tracking: School management systems can empower the school's admins and the parents to constantly monitor and track the location of their children as they travel to and from school. Tracking is possible in real-time and parents will be notified as to when delays occur en route.
  • TC Management: School management software enables schools to create and provide the TC to their students easily. Pending fees due to alerts can be programmed to alert the admin before the TC is issued along with regular TC reports.

As enlisted above, it is clear that school management software addresses all the key elements required for the seamless functioning of the school. Moreover, it is not only recommended but essential that modern schools make full utilization of the software as in the absence of a school ERP solution, schools will not be able to cope with the 21st-century demands and expectations of the students and parents.



Logan Zander

I am working as a Digital Marketing Specialist at Entrar, we empower you to manage and process the school management system efficiently.